Generating a residual passive income is becoming an increasing necessity. This kind of income will allow you to earn money over and over again without having to work for it for long periods of time. In fact, you just have to work initially and when the setup is done you forget about it.
Writing articles has proved to be one of the most efficient ways to make residual passive income. Articles can be submitted to many hosting sites. The sites might differ but at the end all are directed to generating income.
Following are few ideas about sites that are hosting articles:
<>E-zine ( is one of the most outstanding sites to host articles. The procedure is simple. You just write an article and submit it to ezine. At the end of the article, ezine allows you to enter whatever information that you desire in the resource box. By entering your website or any other link you can direct continuous traffic towards that link.
2) <>HubPages: Hubpages work in a slightly different manner. You write an article and post it. Hubpages then publishes your article and places advertisements automatically on your article. Visitors will come and read your article and some of them will click on the advertisements. For every click you get paid.
3<>EHow: Ehow works in similar manner as Hubpages. The only difference is in the type of article. In eHow your write “how to” articles where you explain how to do a certain topic.
<>Writing a Blog: Blogging is gaining popularity in recent days. In blogging you have to choose a topic that you have passion for. This is very important because blogging is an ongoing business. You have to write blogs on a daily basis or every two days at most. So, writing about something you like will raise the success rate of your blog tremendously.
There are a lot of other sources, paid or free, where you can employ your writing skills. The potential to earn residual passive income through writing articles is huge. Just pick the subject that you like and fire up your imagination.
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